Tavern Room shoebox reference, both before and after being rented, with special lighting examples
Ramshackle home exploration; daytime and storm lighting
Foliage lighting practice 
Commissioned backgrounds for Elliawald streams in the ‘Gravity Falls’ style
Background from “Getting to Know Your Feline Companion”, designed, painted, separated, composited, and animated by me
Commissioned exploration of The Spiral (the fear of being lost and disoriented) from ‘The Magnus Archives’, featuring warped perspective.
“Moving in” backgrounds over time
Exploration of The Safehouse from ‘The Magnus Archives’ with parallax 
Background for ‘Mantis’ animation
Time of day and lighting exercise with lines provided by Britney Thoreson
Background focus on color 
Color exploration and design
Background style exploration using the chromatic aberration depth-of-field (as opposed to blurred depth-of-field) popularized by ‘Dead End: Paranormal Park’
Time of day backgrounds inspired by the style in ‘The Bob’s Burgers’ movie
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